Leon FontaineDevoted

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 (NLT) God has a call on your life—a destiny for you to follow. He guides you along the best pathways for your life. Often people assume that God has one grand task or role for them to fulfil in life, like writing a book or starting up a church. But He doesn’t call us to just one destination. No, we were created for much more! Your destiny is the lifelong path that God prepared for you ahead of time. Life is all about your faith-filled journey down that path. Once you arrive at a goal or fulfil a dream, it just means that …

Empoderado para Triunfar

Leon FontaineEntregate

»El Señor enviará su bendición sobre tus graneros y sobre todo lo que hagas, y te hará vivir feliz en el país que va a darte.   Deuteronomio 28:8 (DHH)   De acuerdo al Deuteronomio 28:8, Dios ha derramado una bendición sobre usted. Él le da el poder para crear riqueza (Deuteronomio 8:18) y para ser exitoso en cada área de su vida. Por tanto, no compre la idea de que la pobreza y la escasez, de alguna manera, agradan a Dios más que el éxito. En realidad, si usted cree que está destinado a luchar en cada área de su vida por ser un Cristiano, esa creencia saboteará cualquier oportunidad que tenga para triunfar. Necesita saber que tener poca influencia, dinero o éxito no …


Leon FontaineDevoted

The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 28:8 (NKJV) God has commanded a blessing on you, according to Deuteronomy 28:8. He gives you the power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) and to be successful in every area of life. So don’t buy into the idea that poverty and lack somehow pleases God more than success. Actually, if you believe that you’re destined to struggle in every area because you’re a Christian, that belief will sabotage any chance you have for success. You need to know that having less influence, money or success doesn’t somehow make you closer to God. …

Unlock your potential in 2016

Leon FontaineLeadership

Are you ready to have your best year? Whenever people ask me what I think the coming year will bring, I always respond that it’s going to be my best year yet. And I believe it! Why is this important? Because what we believe has the power to unlock our potential. Potential is an interesting word. Potential speaks of what you can do, but haven’t done yet. It refers to how far you can go, but haven’t gone yet. We all have potential, but that potential means nothing if you don’t bring it about—it requires action on your part. You were born with natural gifts and tendencies, for example, but without training and practice, you won’t achieve your full potential in those areas. Potential is …

Permiso para triunfar

Leon FontaineEntregate

Entonces el Señor les hará prosperar en todo lo que hagan, y en hijos, en crías de ganado y en cosechas; sí, el Señor su Dios volverá a complacerse en hacerles bien, como antes se complacía en hacerlo a los antepasados de ustedes, Deuteronomio 30:9 (DHH)    Dios tiene grandes planes para su vida, y sus creencias determinan si usted saldrá en busca de ellos o no.   Si usted se mantiene creencias que no están basadas en la Palabra de Dios, estás pueden causar que se pierda lo que Dios tiene para usted. Por ejemplo, una de las principales falsas creencias que reprime a muchos cristianos es la creencia de que la pobreza viene de Dios.   A muchos cristianos se les ha enseñado …