Acepte Su Llamado

Leon FontaineEntregate

Pues lo que Dios da, no lo quita, ni retira tampoco su llamamiento. Romanos 11:29 (DHH) ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Qué debería estar haciendo? ¿Hay un propósito en mi vida? Si alguna vez se ha hecho preguntas como estas, usted no está solo. La mayoría de los cristianos quieren entender los planes de Dios para ellos, pero pueden no estar seguros de cómo escucharle claramente a Él. O pueden tener algo en mente que amarían hacer, pero se están preguntando si Dios lo aprueba. Los planes de Dios siempre conducen a la más grande realización, alegría y satisfacción. De acuerdo a Romanos 11:29, Dios ha puesto dones dentro de usted y le ha dado un llamado en su vida. Efesios 2:10, dice que usted puede …

It happens. When it does, don’t run from it.

Leon FontaineLeadership

We all want great work relationships that are supportive, strong, happy and fun. We want to work with people we can trust; people we can have fun working with but who we can also count on. And we think that these picture-perfect work relationships should never experience disagreement. The problem is, that’s not realistic. Conflict happens. When it does, some run from the conflict. Others run from the relationship. When people make these choices, they tend to develop only superficial relationships or a series of short-term relationships that drift apart at the first sign of conflict. They dance around each other’s hot buttons and are careful not to rock the boat. We can’t form great working relationships if we aren’t willing to broach the truth. …

Holiday stress no more

Leon FontaineLeadership

“I’m so stressed.” It’s difficult to go through a day without hearing this phrase at least once, especially at this time of year. But is stress supposed to be so commonplace in our lives? Is stress normal? Actually, stress isn’t always a bad thing. When you’re in danger or are facing a challenge, you need the physical stress response that results. Your heart rate increases and adrenaline is pumped into your muscles so you’re ready for action. This physical response is exactly what you need when you’re being chased by a Doberman, but the chronic, low-grade anxiety type of stress doesn’t benefit you at all. You may assume you just have to accept that anxious feeling about your holiday to-do list, but you don’t. And …

Dealing with differences at work

Leon FontaineLeadership

One of the biggest issues we all struggle with in our relationships at work is the problem of differing opinions. One person responds to a tight deadline set for the team by skipping lunches and working late. Another team member responds to the stress by collaborating more with other coworkers. A third thrives under the pressure and is annoyed by the second’s response because they seem to be wasting time talking to everyone. None of these perspectives is wrong; they’re a product of each individual’s personality and experience. However, when we come face to face with an opinion that is different than ours, often we try to change it. We wear people down until they agree with our point of view. The problem is, when …

What you envision changes everything

Leon FontaineLeadership

Do you ever think about where you’re heading in life? It can be so easy to stay head down and focused on getting the job done, but every now and then you need to look up from the day-to-day to ask the question, “Where am I going?” You need to develop a vision for your future, but I’m not talking about having a self-centred, unrealistic vision of grandeur where everything in life goes your way. A vision is simply a picture of where you are headed. When you develop a vision deep inside you, it determines your future—positive or negative. If the future you envision is hopeless, you won’t succeed. However, if you can see yourself rising above every challenge, that vision is the first …