Leon FontaineDevoted

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

God has a call on your life—a destiny for you to follow. He guides you along the best pathways for your life.

Often people assume that God has one grand task or role for them to fulfil in life, like writing a book or starting up a church. But He doesn’t call us to just one destination. No, we were created for much more!

Your destiny is the lifelong path that God prepared for you ahead of time. Life is all about your faith-filled journey down that path. Once you arrive at a goal or fulfil a dream, it just means that you’re ready to discover the next dream, which is always just around the corner. You will always move from dream to dream in life, and these dreams will propel you toward God’s lifelong purpose for your life—your destiny.

There are some who stop somewhere on the road in life because they think that’s as far as they can go. But if you’re alive, the road is still out in front of you. Your destiny doesn’t stop because you’ve reached a certain age or milestone. God has more for you, so pay attention to the dreams and desires in your heart!

What’s next for you? God’s grace is yours and His ability is on your life, empowering you to keep going. Pay attention to the dreams and desires deep within you, and don’t let go! Pursue your relationship with God first, but keep these dreams in mind so they can propel you down this road called destiny.