Lacking Something?

Leon FontaineDevoted

But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57 (AMPC) Being thankful has incredible benefits; one of which is that can override a fear of lack. I read an article the other day that cited the top three reasons for marital discord as money, sex and communication, but ultimately it all filtered down to one main thing: a fear of lack. In fact, a fear of lack was responsible for the first sin. Satan tricked Eve into think she was lacking something, and it’s a trick he continues to use on us today. That’s why the Bible teaches that when we don’t practice thankfulness, we give opportunity to the devil (1 Corinthians 10:10–11). …

Usted No Está Solo

Leon FontaineEntregate

Y ahora, hermanos, busquen su fuerza en el Señor, en su poder irresistible. Efesios 6:10 (DHH) La palabra “gracia” en la Biblia se refiere a la asombrosa capacidad que Dios hace disponible dentro de todos los cristianos. Es una fuerza; es un poder; es una capacidad que se da libremente a todos y es experimentada por aquellos que creen que es suya. En vez de vivir en nuestra propia fuerza y ​​poder, Efesios 6:10 dice que podemos ser fuertes en el Señor y en el poder de su fuerza. El problema es que todos hemos aprendido a hacer lo contrario. Sabemos que para tener éxito en este mundo, tenemos que ser fuertes, disciplinados, independientes y decididos. Citas como: “Si quieres algo bien hecho, hazlo tú …

A Thankful Heart Grows A Faith-Filled Heart

Leon FontaineDevoted

When Daniel learned that the decree had been signed and posted, he continued to pray just as he had always done…Three times a day he knelt there in prayer, thanking and praising his God. Daniel 6:10 (MSG) Developing the habit of being thankful has so many benefits, but one of the most surprising is that it actually helps to grow our faith. In fact, we can find a great example of this in Daniel, whose practice of thankfulness preceded a faith-filled response to a death sentence. Deceitful governors undermined Daniel by tricking the king into making a short-term law that forbid praying to anyone except the king, which of course Daniel refused to obey. He continued to pray and give thanks only to God, and …

The Power Of Thank You

Leon FontaineDevoted

It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night. Psalm 92:1-2 (NKJV) Are you thankful on a daily basis? All too often we forget to notice things we are grateful for as we go through our daily lives. Not only that, but we forget the most important step: actually expressing that thanks. Many of the great leaders in the Bible modelled a habit of gratitude. For example, despite chronicling a multitude of struggles and hardships, David’s Psalms showed his focus always returning to praise, rejoicing and giving thanks to God. (See Psalm 92 in particular.) The Apostle Paul is another example. He often …

Ser Agradecido a Través de la Acción

Leon FontaineEntregate

El Rey les contestará: “Les aseguro que todo lo que hicieron por uno de estos hermanos míos más humildes, por mí mismo lo hicieron.” Mateo 25:40 (DHH) Todos los días se tiene la oportunidad de expresar agradecimiento. Decirle a la gente el por qué usted está agradecido con ellos y encontrar pequeñas cosas por las cuales estar agradecido cada día, como una buena taza de café en el trabajo, una comida caliente en casa o incluso un conductor que le permite ahorrar tiempo cuando el tráfico está pesado, son todas buenas oportunidades para expresar gratitud. ¿Pero qué pasa con su agradecimiento por Dios? ¿Cómo puede mostrarle a Dios lo agradecido que está con él? Una manera de expresar gratitud a Dios es simplemente diciéndolo. Usted puede …