Lacking Something?

Leon FontaineDevoted

But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57 (AMPC)

Being thankful has incredible benefits; one of which is that can override a fear of lack.

I read an article the other day that cited the top three reasons for marital discord as money, sex and communication, but ultimately it all filtered down to one main thing: a fear of lack. In fact, a fear of lack was responsible for the first sin. Satan tricked Eve into think she was lacking something, and it’s a trick he continues to use on us today. That’s why the Bible teaches that when we don’t practice thankfulness, we give opportunity to the devil (1 Corinthians 10:10–11).

Why do people steal? They fear a lack of money. Why commit adultery? They fear a lack of something—perhaps intimacy or connection. Even arguing with loved ones often stems from a fear of lack, which could be remedied by thankfulness.

When we don’t practice gratitude in an area of our lives, a fear of lack tends to rise up to make us feel like we’re missing something in that area. And when others don’t show us gratitude, we begin to feel unappreciated, undervalued or taken for granted, and that starts to sow seeds of lack.

Jesus often gave thanks and there’s a reason for it. When you practice expressing thankfulness, not only do you push out your fear of lack, but you help others by fulfilling the deep need we all have to feel loved and appreciated. And when you give thanks to the One who lacks nothing, that thankfulness reminds you that in Him, we have everything we need!