Leon FontaineDevoted

Careless words stab like a sword, but the words of wise people bring healing.  Proverbs 12:18 (GW)  When I was young, kids would chant, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But that’s not true, is it? Words are incredibly potent. They can inflict pain that far outlasts any physical injury. On the other hand, they also have the power to lift someone’s spirits, melt their heart or even save their life.  Think about the words you speak daily. What are you saying about your marriage? How do you talk about your body? When you talk about your future, are your words confident and affirming or filled with uncertainty and fear?  I hear people say things like, “I’m never going …


Leon FontaineDevoted

Pero Dios nos las reveló por medio del Espíritu, porque el Espíritu todo lo escudriña, aun las profundidades de Dios. 1 Corintios 2:10 (LBLA)  En la escuela secundaria, el promedio de mis calificaciones tendía a estar en “B menos”. Cuando fui a la escuela de paramédicos, estaba un poco preocupado. La cantidad de información que necesitaba procesar parecía abrumadora.  Recuerdo que le pedí al Espíritu Santo que me ayudara a estudiar. Mientras le agradecía y oraba en el Espíritu, descubrí que mi mente se concentraba. Antes de cada prueba me tranquilizaba, creyendo en su guía y dirección. Sé que Él trajo cosas a mi memoria, ¡ayudándome a lograr un sorprendente “A más” con regularidad!  Cuando atendía crisis en el trabajo, el Espíritu Santo me ayudaba …


Leon FontaineDevoted

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.  Psalm 119:11 (NLT)  How do you live out all the fulfilling plans God has made for you? You have to fight for it. That might sound intimidating, but when you think about it, we fight for everything in our lives in some way. I don’t mean we constantly fight other people, but that we all contend with different battles, whether it’s to stay healthy, maintain Biblical beliefs about finances or keep our hearts right. It takes a fight to stay full of faith! Maybe you’re thinking, “I understand what you’re saying, but how do I fight?” For starters, throughout the day bring God’s Word into your heart consistently. Even one verse …


Leon FontaineDevoted

As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.”  Mark 4:35 (NLT)  You create your future with the words you speak.   Mark chapter 4 highlights this powerful principle. Jesus had climbed into a boat and told His disciples to take Him to the other side of a lake. As they crossed, a massive storm blew in and threatened to sink the boat. The disciples panicked and woke Jesus, who commanded the wind and waves to stop, and the storm instantly died down.  Look at what started this fascinating story, though. Jesus stated, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” He was declaring the future in faith. Notice that He didn’t say, “Let’s try crossing and hopefully …


Leon FontaineEntregate

Y no nos cansemos de hacer el bien, pues a su tiempo, si no nos cansamos, segaremos. Gálatas 6:9 (LBLA)  Cuando usted piensa en motivación, podría evocar la imagen de un motivador saltando por todo el escenario o una persona risueña que se niega a mirar los problemas. En realidad, la motivación no es una expresión externa o un sentimiento emocional; es algo más profundo. Con frecuencia, la motivación simplemente se muestra como una determinación serena. Se niega a rendirse.  La motivación interna es una elección diaria. Por otro lado, hay varias cosas que pueden matar la motivación de forma rápida. Ayer cubrimos dos y hoy discutiremos dos más:  Una actitud mental negativa No se permita soñar despierto con los “qué pasaría si”. Si usted …