Stir Up Your Spirit Faith

Leon FontaineDevoted

But 200 of the men were too exhausted to cross the brook, so David continued the pursuit with 400 men. 1 Samuel 30:10 (NLT) In yesterday’s devotional, we discussed the account of David and his men pursuing a large army who had abducted their wives and children. David pressed on even when it seemed all hope was lost. I want you to notice something about this story. When faith and actions come together, the results are phenomenal. David could have given up before he began. The odds were unquestionably against him. Instead, he asked God what to do and then went forward in faith. Because he believed that God would make a way and he did what he could do, David had victory. In other …

God Makes The Impossible, Possible

Leon FontaineDevoted

And the Lord told him, “Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!” 1 Samuel 30:8 (NLT) If you are facing an impossible situation, remember that God can do what you cannot. In 1 Samuel 30, David faced an impossible situation. Upon returning to camp, he and his men discovered that an enemy army had taken their wives and children captive. Although David was unbelievably distraught, he listened when God told him to pursue the enemy. As he and his 600 men set off, David stopped to take pity on a man who was dying of hunger and thirst. He had no idea that this amazing ‘coincidence’ would be the key to victory. The abandoned man, a slave to …

Give It Up

Leon FontaineDevoted

If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. Luke 9:24 (NLT) God is more than capable of taking care of you. So often we forget this and take full responsibility for meeting our needs. Unfortunately, the quickest way to feel empty is to focus on your own needs and desires. When you learn to trust God to oversee your entire life—every need and desire— your selfish desires take a back seat to your willingness to do things His way. When you put Him first and your needs last, you always end up having what you truly need. In Luke 9:23, Jesus said If any of you …

Power Of The Gospel

Leon FontaineDevoted

Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 (AMP) In life we are taught to be wise when it comes to trusting. You don’t marry someone you just met. You don’t trust someone to babysit your kids without thoroughly checking their track record. Trust in Jesus is also built over time. As you read the Bible, understand His promises and realize how much He loves you, your faith (trust) grows. Something powerful takes place when you trust Jesus. You gain the power to achieve amazing things. The mistakes of the past no longer have …

Faith Equals Trust

Leon FontaineDevoted

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. Hebrews 11:1 (MSG) Have you ever struggled to define what you believe? Maybe you have even questioned the existence of God altogether. On a recent flight, I found myself seated next to a man reading a book on spirituality. We struck up a conversation and when I mentioned I was a pastor, he admitted he was intrigued with spiritual matters and had studied all the world religions. Despite his interest, in his heart he was an atheist. “I really wish I believed in God and I often find myself envying people with faith,” …