Power Of The Gospel

Leon FontaineDevoted

Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 (AMP)

In life we are taught to be wise when it comes to trusting. You don’t marry someone you just met. You don’t trust someone to babysit your kids without thoroughly checking their track record. Trust in Jesus is also built over time. As you read the Bible, understand His promises and realize how much He loves you, your faith (trust) grows.

Something powerful takes place when you trust Jesus. You gain the power to achieve amazing things. The mistakes of the past no longer have a hold on you when you realize the new life you have through Him.

As you read the Bible, you will also discover many principles for living. You will learn how to build a great marriage, raise great kids, excel in your career and overcome habits that keep you from living to the fullest.

Never forget; however, that the real power of the Bible is not in its principles. It is in the Gospel of Jesus. The power comes from believing that God sent His only son to die for you. Nothing else can compare to the transformation that occurs when you admit you need Jesus in your life and you accept Him as your leader.

Trust that Jesus has done all that’s necessary to earn you an amazing relationship with God and experience God’s grace: the miraculous ability He gives you to grow and change every day.