Return to Reason
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. The erosion of freedoms has never been so widespread and the need for unbiased journalism is more important than ever. With a high value of people – and their right to think for themselves – Return to Reason endeavours to present the WHOLE STORY, so viewers can make fully informed, wise decisions to bring positive change to their lives, communities, and to the nation.
Catch new episodes of Return to Reason Conversations hosted by David Craig and Jeremy Prest.
The Spirit Contemporary Life
Do you want to unleash the miraculous in your everyday world? In this series, Leon Fontaine explores The Spirit Contemporary® Life. Enjoy insightful messages, inspiring stories, and teachings with Leon Fontaine. You’ll love this in-depth look at how you can become Spirit Contemporary.
In the wake of a mysterious and shocking murder, three unique people - an Assistant Chief of Police, a reporter, and a teenage girl - are supernaturally empowered to fight for the city's poorest and most racially diverse neighbourhood.
Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. Although you may not agree with his opinion, you deserve to be fully informed, ready to handle every situation life throws at you. Anyone who has an appetite for the world to return to reason will enjoy his opinion column, TV show and podcast.
Do you want to unleash the miraculous in your everyday world?
In this series, Leon Fontaine explores The Spirit Contemporary® Life. Enjoy insightful messages, inspiring stories, and never before seen teachings with Leon Fontaine. You’ll love this in-depth look at how you can become Spirit Contemporary.

Leon Fontaine
Leon Fontaine's messages have impacted countless people across the globe. His powerful and practical teaching continues to empower believers to be led by Holy Spirit in their everyday lives—in a way that influences the world around them.
Leon was a conference speaker, author, talk show host, as well as CEO of Miracle Channel, Canada's original Christian television station and senior pastor of Springs Church, along with his wife Sally.
Leon Fontaine's messages have impacted countless people across the globe. His powerful and practical teaching continues to empower believers to be led by Holy Spirit in their everyday lives—in a way that influences the world around them.
Leon was a conference speaker, author, talk show host, as well as CEO of Miracles Channel, Canada's original Christian television station and senior pastor of Springs Church, along with his wife Sally.
Sign up to receive regular updates from Leon and we’ll send you the audio download "Financing the Next Generation"
Sign up to receive regular updates from Leon and we’ll send you the audio download
"Financing the Next Generation"