May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, all Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (NLT)
We all meditate, whether we realize it or not, but few meditate on purpose.
Let me give you an example. Imagine that someone makes a negative comment about your performance at work. Feeling upset, you tell a family member, who assures you that your work is great. You share your indignation with a few more people and the more you think and talk about it, the angrier you become. Several others reassure you but all you can think about is that negative comment. You are choosing to meditate on something that does not benefit you.
We all come across situations like this and are faced with the decision. Instead of letting our minds focus on negative things people say, we could turn to God’s Word and see what God says about us. I’m not saying that you should ignore when someone gives you constructive criticism. However, when you replay hurtful comments over and over in your mind, your self-esteem suffers. If you intentionally meditate on what God says instead, your self-esteem increases.
You can refuse to be easy prey for the enemy who loves to bring your attention to negative thoughts. Instead, develop the skill of intentional meditation. According to God’s Word, you are the apple of His eye. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You are blessed, a King’s kid and God loves you.
Deal with areas that need improvement, but remain focused on what God says about you.