We All Play An Important Role

Leon FontaineDevoted

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NLT)

Every one of us fits on a team.

Sometimes we feel we have to be a star in a ministry for it to be worth it for us to serve, or we’re waiting for a “great” calling rather than simply doing what we can where we are to serve others. But Jesus taught that we aren’t to think of our destiny as independent of others. (See Corinthians 12.) All of us are part of a team, like parts of a body, and we must learn to function together.

Years ago, I broke my little toe. At the time I was working as a paramedic, and I couldn’t come in to work because it swelled so much that I couldn’t wear my steel toe boots. I learned something really quickly as I limped around.

I may have thought of my little toe as small and unimportant, but when it wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do, my whole body suffered! If you’re a foot, it’s pretty hard to run without a knee cap. If you’re a hand, try operating without a wrist.

Every person’s role serves a purpose!

Our mission field is out in the world around us, but it’s also inside the church where we’re called to be part of the body of Christ. We all need to work together for that body to function at its best.

Whether you’re new to Christianity or you’ve been faithfully serving God for years somewhere in the background, know that we’re all linked together and are precious and vital to the house of God.