Understanding This One Word Leads To Unlimited Blessings!

Leon FontaineDevoted

You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! John 5:39 (NLT)

The Bible often talks about the “word,” but without any knowledge of the original language in which it was written, it can lead to some misunderstanding.

It helps to know there are three different original Greek terms that are translated to “word” in the Bible, each with a different meaning. Understanding the differences changes not only how we read Scripture, but how we grasp what God is telling us.

First, there’s the Greek word graphe, as is used in today’s verse. This means written word or Scripture. Then there’s rhema, which means the spoken word. For example, Romans 10:17 (NKJV) says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The original Greek text uses rhema—the spoken word of God.

If you want to change your beliefs, start meditating on and speaking God’s promises over your life and that rhema will become the third word: logos. Logos is where we get our word “logic.” Logos is God’s thoughts and concepts; it’s the truth, revelation and understanding of God.

Today’s verse says that reading the graphe, or Scriptures, isn’t like reading a magical book. That’s because it’s not just about reading and knowing facts; it’s about understanding God’s concepts—His logos. It’s about absorbing the revelation of who Jesus is and who you are in Him.

You see, the more you study God’s Word and spend time with Him, discovering His thoughts, ideas and love for you, the more you’ll grow to comprehend God’s concepts. Then, this understanding of Jesus and the truths in God’s Word fuels your faith and confidence in Him so you can experience more of His promises for you!