The Struggle To Get Free

Leon FontaineDevoted

Fight the good fight of faith. 1 Timothy 6:12 (NKJV)

When a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, a struggle is involved. Effort is also required when a chick hatches from an egg. First you hear the sound of faint tapping; then small cracks marble the surface. The chick works bit by bit to free itself from the egg.

In a similar way, you also have to do something different to change your situation when you feel confined in life. A struggle may be involved, but you need to know what you’re struggling against so you don’t waste your energy.

People often waste time and effort fighting the devil. In reality, your biggest battle takes place within your own heart.

You see, your heart determines how you experience life, not the devil, your spouse, your boss or your circumstances. Your heart is the part of you that houses your deepest beliefs, and it has a powerful effect on your life.

You were designed to experience God and His miraculous power. But you have to believe it to experience it. To believe, you need to control what you allow to be planted in your heart. This is the struggle we all face in life, but it isn’t that difficult, really. It just requires a bit of effort.

Instead of wasting your time fighting the devil, circumstances or people, spend your time and energy fighting to get God’s Word planted in your heart. Fight your own tendency to get complacent. Fight to stay disciplined to read and meditate on God’s Word. This is the good fight—to stay in faith, believing and acting differently—and it’s the only fight that results in real change.