Soaring Above Difficulty

Leon FontaineDevoted

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

How do we get strength from God? Well, according to today’s verse, we do so by waiting on the Lord.

Waiting on the Lord isn’t
necessarily about waiting for him to come through for us. It has more to do with focusing on his Word and spending time with him. You see, as Christians, we often forget that we can be empowered by God’s might. But to do so, we need a daily dose of the Word. It’s our spiritual food. And just like you might need that cup of coffee and scrambled eggs to get your physical body ready for the day, meditation time in the Word gets your mind and spirit primed for the day.
One of the reasons eagles amaze me is that you never see them flapping their wings madly to fly against the wind. Instead, they seem to fly effortlessly above the storm, almost as though the storm’s up-drafts and wind currents help them to soar higher.
In a similar way, when we begin to wait on God by focusing on and spending time with him, we tap into his strength. Then, when the storms of life blow against us, even though God didn’t send those difficulties our way, he helps us to use them to soar higher.
No matter how busy you get, don’t skip your daily “breakfast” of God’s Word, which helps you become more aware of the power and strength in you as a believer.