Leon FontaineDevoted

Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. Colossians 4:3 (NLT) 

One day on the way home from the hospital where I worked, I felt a nudge in my heart to turn around and go back. Sally had supper waiting, but God reminded me I had been praying He would use me—so I listened. 

As it turned out, I soon came across a vehicle collision. One of the drivers wasn’t breathing and had no pulse. I gave him a quick breath and declared, “Live, in Jesus’ name!” 

Right then, the paramedics showed up and took over, and I followed them to the hospital. Puzzled as to why I didn’t see them performing CPR, I asked if the man had died en route. They said, “No, he had a viable pulse when we found him.” That in itself was a miracle. 

So I went to visit this man’s room. He couldn’t talk, but he was able to blink twice to show he understood me. Over the next three or four days, I kept coming back to tell him how much Jesus loved him. 

At one point, I asked, “Would you like to pray the prayer that guarantees you Heaven?” He blinked twice to say yes, so I led him in a simple prayer. There was no visible change in him, but I promised to come back tomorrow. 

The next morning, his bed was empty. He had passed away overnight. What if I hadn’t listened to Holy Spirit and turned back? 

I don’t share this story to make myself look good. I just want you to realize that when you ask God for opportunities and you’re willing to obey, you can help people change where they spend eternity!