Leon FontaineDevoted

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 (NKJV)

When God made you, He formed your inward parts, and this inward creation doesn’t just include physical structures such as bones, ligaments and organs. God also hand-crafted you with natural tendencies, gifts and desires.

You may be aware of some of the gifts and desires He’s given you, but there are a lot more you haven’t yet discovered. Some are time-released at certain phases in your life. For example, not many boys who are eight or nine years old have a desire to get married, but if you give them a few years, things change!

The fact is that you will be discovering new dreams, gifts and desires throughout your life. That being said, you may be pushing these desires out of your awareness.

You need to know that God wants you to reawaken those dreams and desires.

For example, you might have had a deep desire to have a family, but if you were hurt in a relationship, you may have pushed that desire down. If you struggled to lose weight in the past, you may have put aside the dream of getting healthy. Or if you went through some really tough times in the area of your finances, you might have stopped dreaming of financial success.

Know this: whenever God places a desire within you, He also gives you everything you need to fulfil that desire His way. You will still need to put in the time and effort required, but He doesn’t give you a passion for something you have no hope of achieving.

What dreams and desires have you set aside? It’s time to start taking steps toward achieving them. Remember: through Christ, you’re empowered to fulfil your God-given dreams!