Freedom From Judgement Audio Download

Suggested Donation: $30.00

Minimum Donation: $30.00


Are your relationships all you hoped and dreamed they could be?

The good news is that Jesus is the world’s number one expert on relationships, and His teachings will lead you to a greater level of peace, understanding and fulfillment in every relationship you have.

In this three-part series, we will dive deep into Jesus’ teachings in Luke 6 to discover:

  • The secret relationship-destroying power of judgment.
  • How you may be harbouring hidden judgment.
  • The one area where it’s okay to judge and how it pertains to trust.
  • The habit of trying to fix people and how it may be damaging your relationships.
  • How to receive the unconditional love of Christ and begin to love, accept and forgive others Jesus’ way!

Giving up what we feel is our right—the right to judge—can bring such healing to our relationships. Get started on this journey today and set yourself free to experience a greater level of love, trust and joy in your relationships!