Potential Needs Discipline

Leon FontaineDevoted

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. James 1:22 (NLT)

Your potential will do nothing for you without discipline and work ethic.

Everyone has potential. In just one high school, you could find enough potential to change the world. You might find a potential political leader, a potential researcher who could find the cure for cancer, and a potential screenplay writer who could make movies about God that cause millions to come to Christ.

But that’s just potential. We need to turn potential into reality.

What does it take to bring potential to life? Sure, intelligence is important, but what it really takes is belief, discipline and a good work ethic.

There are boundaries inside each of us, created by our upbringing. In any family, religion, denomination, country or ethnicity, you find common boundaries formed by what that group believes about their capabilities. If you want to achieve your potential, you need to challenge those boundaries.

For example, some people believe their family will always be blue-collar workers who don’t have much money. If you believe that, you limit your kids from becoming professionals. What if God gave them the potential to be doctors or lawyers?

You first need to challenge any misbeliefs by comparing them to what God’s Word says. Then you need to begin to see your potential. At the same time, use discipline and hard work to walk that potential out.

By letting God’s Word guide your heart beliefs and then walking those out, you can turn potential into reality.