One Revelation Can Change Everything!

Leon FontaineDevoted

I pray that your love will overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. Philippians 1:9 (NLT)

For God’s Word to change our lives, we need revelation.

Many of us were taught the old song, “Read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow.” Now that’s true, but just reading the Bible without understanding it doesn’t bring change. Simply expecting to get power from words is like believing in magic, but the power of the Bible lies in revelation. When a thought or concept from God’s Word becomes clear, you experience a revelation or “a-ha!” moment. The more you begin to understand a truth, the more you’ll walk it out.

I once interviewed a young lady from another religion. She had been beaten and raped, and instead of receiving compassion and support, she had to leave home to avoid disgracing her family.

She ended up discovering Christ, and years later, she was still running out of fear that her family would kill her for switching faiths. She shared how much she loved Jesus. I could see how precious God’s Word and its truths were to her about who she is in Christ, how valuable her life is to Him, and how she’s a daughter of the King.

If you were raised to believe that you’re worthless or if you were completely devalued as a person, the truth in God’s Word can change everything within you. You’ll find out how loved you are, that your life serves a purpose and holds equal value to everyone else (Galatians 3:28), and it empowers you to live a phenomenal life!

Never underestimate God’s Word: the power of even one revelation can be completely life-changing!