Live Full, Die Empty

Leon FontaineDevoted

As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. 2 Timothy 4:6 (NLT)

Did you know the God-given gifts placed inside of you aren’t intended to be saved for Heaven? They’re meant to be used here on earth!

I used to stop in regularly at my dad’s gravesite to spend a few minutes reminiscing about all the incredible life lessons he taught me and how he impacted my life. Sometimes I’d take a little stroll past the other gravesites and I’d wonder, How many of these people used their abilities to the full and lived significantly? And how many died, still filled with incredible giftings they never shared with the world?

I wonder how many were talented songwriters who never penned a song? How many had the ability to be phenomenal business people, able to finance millions to win countless lives for Jesus, but instead chose to live lives that didn’t impact others? How many lived contained lives, held back by fear?

These thoughts caused me to make a firm decision. It’s my aim to live for God in such a way that when I reach heaven I’ll have applied every gift to the fullest, pouring it out purposefully and leaving nothing behind unused.

As believers, let’s not keep our testimony, love, joy, passion, or the gifts God’s placed inside of us to ourselves. Share your life and fully use your abilities because they—and you—are here for a reason!

At the end of your life you’ll be able to say the same thing as Paul in today’s verse. You’ll know you lived fully—using all that you were given to make an eternal difference.