Just Ask!

Leon FontaineDevoted

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14–15 (NKJV)

We choose the lives we live either by action or by default.

If your car stalls on the tracks as a train is coming toward you, you have a few choices. You could keep trying to start it, you could get out and run, or you could sit there deliberating over what to do.

Often, we think that we can avoid making a decision by not making a choice at all. But actually, by being indecisive you are, in fact, making a choice. And in the case of the oncoming train, it’s not a good one!

The same is true with your health, finances, relationships, and everything else in life. If you’re NOT doing anything to build these areas, you’re making a decision—you’re deciding to allow these areas of your life to slowly deteriorate.

I know that things can happen that are outside of our control. But to a great degree, if you don’t choose your life, it will be chosen for you by default. And you might not like the life you get. So, decide to walk in wisdom and claim God’s promises!

Based on today’s verse, you can say, “Father, I’m confident that whenever I ask for something that is aligned with Your will, You hear me. Not only am I heard, but your Word says I HAVE what I ask for! Today, I ask for health, prosperity, great relationships, and peace. Since I know all these things are Your will too, I’m confident I’ll receive them!”