But the crowds found out where he was going, and they followed him. He welcomed them and taught them about the Kingdom of God, and he healed those who were sick. Luke 9:11 (NLT)
When you live your life in love with Jesus, understanding the full victory that is yours through Him, it changes your life and how you interact with others. People notice and many will want what you have.
When Jesus walked the planet, people were constantly drawn to Him like magnets! Today, that same Jesus is in us, and He is drawing people to Him.
Others are attracted to Jesus in us because of how He impacts our attitude and choices. They see our work ethic, our kindness, our daily lives, the circle of influence we hold and the Christ-likeness about us. Holy Spirit continually works in us in creative ways to show who Jesus really is to others.
Our giftings assist our witness in drawing people to the Jesus we love. When someone compliments us or is influenced by us because of our talents, we don’t have to downplay our talents in an attempt to be humble or say religious things like, “All praise be to God for His great work.” That just turns non-believers off.
We influence more lives for Christ when we understand there’s an anointing on our lives to rise up and succeed for the purpose of the Kingdom—wherever we are and whatever we’re called to. With this settled in our hearts, as we grow and prosper, we multiply the scope of our witness and highlight the attractiveness of our Saviour in us.
Our lives act like a beacon and it becomes undeniable that Jesus in us is a light and love that people find irresistible!