It’s Your Words

Leon FontaineDevoted

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. 2 Peter 3:9 (NLT)

According to the Word of God, your words deter­mine the direction of your life. It’s not your momma, your papa, your doctor, or your teachers. These may have had an influence over your past, but the words you speak now have great influence over your future.

When you speak, your words affect your mind, emotions, body, beliefs and the spiritual realm. Your words are powerful.

What do you want more of in your life? Speak those promises over yourself. And what about the people around you? You can have a huge impact on their lives by claiming God’s promises for them!

For example, if you know someone who doesn’t know Jesus yet, claim 2 Peter 3:9 over them. Say something like this: “Father, You are so good. You want everyone to come into relationship with You. Thank you that Your will is not for (name of person you’re praying for) to perish, but for them to come to know You.”

You can claim 1 Timothy 2:3–4 for them too. It says that Jesus wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (NLT)

Inspired by this verse, your prayer might sound something like this: “Father, Your Word says that You want all people to be saved and to know the truth. ALL people, which includes (name). Thank you, Father, that this is Your will for their life!”

God created the world with words, and you are creating your world with words. Take advantage of this awesome ability He’s given you!