How to Power Up

Leon FontaineDevoted

In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength
from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Ephesians 6:10 (AMPC)
We’ve been on a series talking about both the spiritual and practical side of problem solving. Today let’s delve deeper into the spiritual side of things.

You see, today’s verse says that you can be empowered through your union with God. The other option is to live off your own energy, but as Christians there is a power that we can hook into.
How do we hook into this power? We do so by finding time to marinate in the things of God without the distraction of cell phones, computers, TV, radio or other people.
It’s something you need to train yourself to do because as soon as you sit down to spend time with God, your brain will naturally begin to zone in on all the things you’re supposed to do that day. I’ve found that it’s easier to put my “to do” list aside if I keep a pen and paper beside me. That way I can jot things down as I think of them and then go right back to focusing on God.
You’ll probably be tempted to get up and do the tasks that come to your mind, but don’t cut short your time with God. If you’re not sure where to start, try doing an online search for scriptures that relate to a topic that’s on your mind. Then, as you’re reading, ask Holy Spirit to show you what he wants you to learn.
Keep spending time with God, meditating on his Word, and you will begin to draw strength from his boundless reserves—strength for every area of life.