Healing Is Yours

Leon FontaineDevoted

Through His wounds, you were healed. 1 Peter 2:24 (VOICE)

According to today’s verse, you can access healing because of Jesus.

At one time in my life, I had bone chips in my ankles from injuries I incurred when I was younger. Now and then, one of my ankles would lock up on me when I was walking. The pain was so excruciating that one time I almost passed out from it.

I had seen the doctors about it, which is something you should always do when you’re dealing with a health issue, and they were considering surgery. In the meantime, I decided to pray. For a couple of months, I spoke God’s promises of healing over my ankles.

After a while, I noticed that my ankles had stopped locking up. If I would have needed surgery, I would have gone that route without feeling bad about it at all. But in this case, surgery wasn’t necessary.

You can claim God’s promises for healing too! Inspired by 1 Peter 2:24, you could say: “By Jesus’ stripes I’m healed. Healing belongs to me. I’m not trying to do something to earn healing; I can have healing right now, because of Jesus.”

Based on Romans 8:11, you might say, “Thank you Father that your Spirit dwells in me! Your Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, so he will have no trouble giving life to my mortal body!” Psalm 103:2–5 holds another great promise. Say, “Father, I won’t forget your benefits. You forgive my sins and heal my diseases. You satisfy my desires with good things and my youth is renewed like the eagles!”

Claim these promises and picture your healing DONE, in Jesus’s name!