Grace, Belief & Action

Leon FontaineDevoted

I have done this to both the lions and bears, and I’ll do it again to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! 1 Samuel 17:36 (NLT)

If it were up to God, your life would be perfect.

If God determined whether or not you would be healthy, prosperous and blessed, you would be. In reality, living in God’s promises takes three things: grace, belief and corresponding actions.

God’s grace is His power, ability, unearned favour and full provision for your life, and you gain access to it the moment you begin a relationship with Him. There is no lack of God’s grace in your life, but to set it in motion, you need to believe.

However, you can’t stop there. You need to take corresponding actions. You see, when you begin to believe something, you act differently.

When David believed he could take out a giant, he began to speak with confidence, as you can see in our verse today. He also began to act differently because of his belief. He didn’t just sit on the sidelines, saying and believing that God would overthrow Goliath. David issued a challenge, and as the giant thundered forward to attack, David ran full force toward him and took him out with a stone from his slingshot.

God’s grace, coupled with David’s belief and corresponding actions, are what caused him to overcome.

If you want to go to a new level, start by studying God’s Word. Establish His promises in your heart. Then begin to speak differently about your future and act differently. Read, learn, take courses and talk to others who have success in that area. Believe that God’s given you everything you need and then take action. You’ll go to that new level.