Fix Your Focus

Leon FontaineDevoted

How can you think of saying to your friend, “Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,” when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Matthew 7:4 (NLT)

There are many things in our life we’ll never control or change. One of those things is people! We’re married to imperfect people. Our kids, parents and co-workers are imperfect too. The truth is, even when we think we know better, we don’t have the power to change any of them!

In life, we have a choice. We can live totally stressed out and ticked off by the people around us. Or, we can recognize that we can’t change or control anyone. In fact, the more we try, the further we get from Christ’s example.

Control doesn’t fit into the ways of God. God doesn’t control anyone. He didn’t force Adam or Eve to obey Him, and He isn’t forcing you to follow Him either. He refuses to because He gave us free will. Actually, the Bible tells us in today’s verse that we shouldn’t try and change other people since we’re likely in worse shape than anyone we’ve judged as needing “fixing”!

Personally, I try to avoid telling people what to do with specific issues. Instead, I point them toward Jesus. With Holy Spirit as their internal helper and guide, the answer will come. You see, when we’re motivated by love, rather than control, it frees us to help others refocus inwardly where they’ve planted God’s Word to find His voice and direction.

Getting (and giving) wise, timely advice is definitely important. But fixating on changing or controlling others shouldn’t be our goal. Instead, fix your focus on living for God’s kingdom and other’s lives will be impacted.