Faith Works Through Love

Leon FontaineDevoted

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love. Galatians 5:6 (NKJV)

Growing up in my dad’s church, we would sing certain songs about loving God. I remember tears streaming down my face as I told God, “I want to love you more, but I don’t know how.” Was I supposed to do more things for Him? Sacrifice more for Him?

Meanwhile, I had it backwards. First John 4:19 says that we love God because He first loved us. When you begin to realize that everything in Scripture points to God’s love for you (not your love for Him), it changes your world.

In fact, this is the key to faith that works. I don’t know about you, but there have been many times it seemed like my faith didn’t work. If we’re not careful, we can become caught up in trying to figure out, “What did I do wrong? Why didn’t I get my miracle?”

But today’s verse shows us that following the law doesn’t bring the results and miracles we want. Faith works through love. If you want to live a life of growing, trusting and seeing God’s favour, it’s time to go into the Word and recognize how much He loves you.

Instead of anchoring our faith in trying to believe more or do more, we need to anchor our faith in Jesus. He made a way for you. He paid the price, not only to deal with sin, but so that you and I could have the life of God within us.

As you begin to experience this incredible love, you’ll develop a rock-solid faith that says, “My deservedness is irrelevant. Every promise in God’s Word is already mine because of what Jesus has done for me!”