Don’t Sugar-Coat It

Leon FontaineDevoted

When sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. James 1:15 (NLT)

Sin is awful. When you allow yourself to do what you know is wrong, it brings death—in your relationships, health, mind and emotions. God doesn’t pull away from you when you sin, but you pull away from God. In this way, sin also destroys your ability to enjoy and experience your relationship with Him.

Just look at what sin did to Adam in the Garden of Eden. Before he disobeyed, Adam walked and talked with God daily. After he sinned, he became instantly fearful and ashamed. God came looking for Adam but Adam hid from God.

God isn’t going to punish you for your mess-ups, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to suffer for them.

For example, if you’re a believer who lies repeatedly, you’re still good with God, but people won’t trust you. You won’t enjoy the same level of relationship with others that you could if you were honest.

Although God won’t condemn you and He won’t kick you out of His family, you’ll create a world of pain in your life if you ignore God’s principles. After all, He gave us those laws and commandments to protect us. Enjoy the fact that Jesus paid the price for every wrong thought and action you will ever commit, but never forget how terribly ugly and destructive sin is. God’s ways are so much better.

Enjoy the fact that Jesus paid the price for every wrong thought and  action you will ever commit, but never forget how terribly ugly and destructive sin is. God’s ways are so much better.