Confidence From Connection

Leon FontaineDevoted

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 (NLT)

In the book of Acts, the disciples walked in confidence. They didn’t worry about the future or wonder if God was angry with them. They were completely confident in their standing with Him, and were tapped in to the power they held as God’s kids.

You can walk in this same confidence. It’s not arrogance; it’s a confidence in God. What does this confidence look like?

It’s being able to enjoy the people around you without comparing yourself to them. It’s having the freedom to celebrate others’ success without feeling jealous. It’s staying calm even in the worst battles because you know God is with you and you’re going to come out on top.

People who have this confidence seem as if they never have tough times. You might think, The only reason they feel so confident is because everything in their life is going right. Actually, it’s the opposite. Everything in their life is going right because they feel right about themselves.

You have to get this point! You need to attach your self-worth to your relationship with God. When you do, it causes everything around you to go right. When you have problems, you’ll confront people and handle the issue. Because you don’t feel as if you have to compete with anyone, these interactions will be resolved well. And it’s all because your self-worth doesn’t come from feeling better than anyone else or from your accomplishments. It comes from what God thinks about you.

Where do you get your self-worth? Connect it to what it says about you in God’s Word and you’ll develop unshakable confidence!