Leon FontaineDevoted

Don’t give the devil any opportunity [to work]. Ephesians 4:27 (GW) 

Many people lose their peace because they believe it’s possible to give the enemy permission to bring trouble into their lives. Let’s clear this up right now: as a believer in Christ, you cannot give Satan any authority over your life. Why? 

 Because, unlike the old covenant, the new covenant is not between you and God. The old covenant was between Adam, representing humanity, and God. Unfortunately, Adam blew his end of the deal. So God sent Jesus to Earth in a human body to write a new contract between Jesus and God—one that overwrites the old version. (See Romans 5:15-19.) Notice that you’re not even on the contract! So how could you hand Satan authority? 

 Look at it this way. Let’s say I left my house and forgot to lock the door. Two thieves noticed, so after I drove off they ran in and stole all my stuff. Did they have the authority to do that? No. Did I give them the right? No, not a chance! 

 What I provided them with was an opportunity. There’s a big difference between authority and opportunity. Through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus stripped Satan of his power and disarmed him of any authority over believers. Satan’s only remaining ability is to deceive us into believing his lies. 

 Colossians 2:15 (TPT) says that “Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us” (emphasis mine). 

 What incredible peace you can have when you recognize that Jesus holds all authority! Stand firm on what He says is yours, and you won’t give the devil any open doors to your life.