Building What Matters

Leon FontaineDevoted

I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18 (NKJV)

In today’s verse, Jesus specifically mentions He’s building one thing—His church.

Why? Because it’s through His church that salvation is brought to cities and to countries. Government puts systems and structures in place for a nation, but it doesn’t touch the heart of the population. Only Jesus can touch the heart of a nation, and only Jesus is able to change that heart!

We need strong, healthy churches and ministries who bring hope, passion and Jesus to the world in a spiritually contemporary way. And the purpose of our lives is to be part of His church on this mission.

When we’re without purpose, pleasure and success may seem like the goal. But the truth is there’s an emptiness that follows the endless pursuit of “things.” We can only own so many homes and cars or travel the world so long in order to maintain life in the “pleasure zone”.

Now don’t get me wrong, God isn’t against us enjoying success or godly pleasures. After all, He created them for us! As long as we recognize that life is not about seeking pleasure, but pursuing God. The ultimate question for everyone remains the same in the end—what have I done with my life? Have I left anything of real significance to impact those around me?

God is pursuing the hearts of men and women around you. And His love reaches the lost through those who believe in Him and help bring the Good News about Jesus to others! Whether by volunteering, inviting friends and loved ones to church, giving to a ministry, or simply sharing Jesus, we make an impact by helping to build what matters most!