For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. Matthew 15:19 (NLT)
Your heart is like soil with perfect growing conditions. It grows whatever you stick in it.
In good conditions, the ground will grow anything. It doesn’t have a mind of its own. You can’t tell the ground to only grow peas and ignore every other seed that is planted or that blows in. It grows whatever comes its way.
Your heart is the same, which is why it’s so important to protect it. When you fill your heart with something by giving it all your time and attention, you’ll develop a passion for it. This fact can be your best friend or your downfall, depending how you use it. For example, if you give all your time and attention to gambling, you’ll develop a passion for it. At first it will seem harmless, but if you continue on this road, that desire will take over and you’ll end up with an addiction.
Instead, you can fill your heart with good things. You can develop a passion for exercise and healthy eating. You can begin to love your job. You can get excited about keeping your life in order and your house clean. And you can begin to crave spending time with God and reading His Word.
It all depends what you allow into your heart.
We all have off days. No matter how much passion you develop, there will be days when you’d rather press the snooze button one more time than wake up and spend time with God. But the more you do it, the more that desire becomes planted deep in your heart. You will begin to crave it.