May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14
Working with Holy Spirit isn’t complicated. Yesterday we covered one way you can train yourself to hear from him more clearly: meditate on God’s Word.
Today we will discuss a second way: Develop an intimate friendship with Holy Spirit.
You can get to know Holy Spirit much the same way that you get to know any person. Spend time with him. Ask his opinion. Tell him how you feel. Have a dialogue, not a monologue. Talk to him when things go right and when they go wrong.
James 4:2 says we have not because we ask not, and the same is true with Holy Spirit’s leading. Sometimes we don’t feel led by him simply because we aren’t asking him to lead us. Make sure you’re asking for him to show you the truth when you’re reading God’s Word, and ask him what he would like you to do each day.
Then, just test things out if you think he may be speaking to you. If someone repeatedly comes to your mind, give them a call. Don’t be weird about it, just say “You’ve been on my mind today,” and see what they say. If someone stands out to you, ask Holy Spirit what to do. You may sense that you should pray or you might feel the need to strike up a conversation.
Holy Spirit may not give you a massive revelation or assignment every day, but just keep practicing. Keep responding to his leading in a contemporary way, and you will become more sensitive to hearing from Holy Spirit in your everyday life.