Believe You Can!

Leon FontaineDevoted

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Deuteronomy 8:18

Do you ever get frustrated with your life or doubt that things will ever change?

Never give up hope. Don’t entertain thoughts that circulate in your brain, saying, “I can’t change. This is who I am,” or “I guess this is as good as it’s going to get.”

Those are lies.
God wired you to change, grow and get better with every passing year. You’re wired to succeed and manage your finances. Your body is wired to heal itself. Your mind is wired to experience joy and peace. You are wired to be able to build great relationships and live an awesome life!
So if you can’t stop thinking that you’re incapable of living this blessed life, the enemy is at work. You have so much more control over your future than you realize.
Jesus handed us the keys to his kingdom, along with every promise and blessing that comes with it. He handed us the keys to health, joy and peace, and today’s verse says he gave us the power to make wealth. We have his power, and when we join action with faith, we make incredible things happen!

And remember, if you’re not experiencing every blessing of God, that’s no reason to feel condemned. In fact, if you said you were walking in every blessing, I probably wouldn’t believe you!
We’re all on the same journey of renewing our minds to grasp the magnitude of the incredible blessings we have in Christ. As is true with any journey, the key is to just keep going.