Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word. Psalm 103:20 (NKJV)
Yesterday we discussed how angels obey God’s Word. The reality is, when you speak God’s promises over your life in faith, angels to go to work!
When you speak God’s promises, which are yours as a believer because of Jesus, you are in agreement with what has been promised to you. As you begin to believe, you begin to walk out those promises in your life.
You don’t receive God’s promises just because Jesus died for them. You need to believe that they are yours, claim them and then walk in them. The same is true with becoming a member of God’s family. Jesus died so we could become children of God, but we don’t become his children automatically. We need to accept Jesus as our Saviour by believing he died for our sins and by confessing him as our Lord. This is what causes the greatest miracle to happen—the miracle of new life on the inside of you.
In a similar way, God’s promises are yours, but you need to believe and claim them as yours. And as you speak those promises over your life in faith, you begin to walk them out in your life.
God may use angels to set up situations that bring those promises about. Then again, he may use other means. He might bring people across your path. He might open up opportunities for you or give you great ideas you can implement.
You don’t know how his promises will come to pass, but don’t worry about that. Just keep speaking God’s promises in faith, and then take action to start walking them out!
Read more devotionals on Angels!
December 1: The Truth about Angels
December 2: Angels: In Awe of God
December 3: Angels: What do they do?
December 4: Angels Fight on our Behalf
December 5: Angels all Around You
December 6: Angels Aren’t Always Obvious
December 7: New Look at Angels
December 8: What do Angels Respond to?
December 9: Angels Obey God’s Word