A Lack Of Purpose Steals Your Joy

Leon FontaineDevoted

You are…God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you — from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1 Peter 2:9–10 (MSG)

God doesn’t have a problem with you succeeding in life. You can go after a big dream, but if the biggest goal in your life doesn’t extend beyond you, it will steal your joy.

You were designed to live with a big sense of purpose. Without this big picture in mind, you can get lost in the details of your everyday needs and wants in life. This is no way to live because you miss out on the joy that’s found in serving Jesus and in helping others!

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to have goals for personal success. Dream big and achieve great things, but you also need to have goals that extend beyond you. What about having a goal to bring someone with you to church? Getting involved in your local church makes you enjoy it so much more.

If you don’t get involved in your church, you’ll just end up critiquing everyone else’s contributions, and there’s no joy in that. You’ll just be backseat driving. When you roll up your sleeves to help, you get to experience the excitement of seeing people’s lives change!

What about having a goal to work with Holy Spirit in your everyday interactions with people? Start each day asking Him who you can help, and look for people to encourage throughout your day.

Living with purpose is exciting! You were created to be God’s instrument–to do His work and speak out for Him (1 Peter 2:9). Decide today to be a part of something bigger than you–something that is impacting the world for Jesus.