A Fresh Experience

Leon FontaineDevoted

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” Genesis 28:15 (NKJV)

As parents, it was a tremendous joy for my wife Sally and I to watch our toddlers take their first few steps. We would cheer them on, making safe zones so they could tumble along without getting hurt and when they fell, we picked them up and encouraged them to try again.

We felt great love and pride as we shared in their experience of those first steps. I believe this is similar to how God feels when we experience new things. He wants us to explore our potential, live to the fullest, unearth our talents, build loving relationships and achieve our dreams. He is filled with joy and love when we experience the amazing life He created for us.

But here is where things get blurry for many people. They do not experience the life God wants for them because they do not experience Him in their everyday lives. Some believe God is angry or judging them for past mistakes and therefore avoid seeking a relationship with Him.

But just like a parent who watches their toddler stumble and fall, God is never angry with us. The Bible tells us this world is fallen, but in the midst of our imperfect world, God loves, forgives and always wants the best for us.

When you spend time with God and open yourself up to His direction in your everyday life, you will have fresh new experiences with God.