The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8:16 (NKJV)
If you’ve ever wondered about your destiny in life, you need to know that your dreams and desires are signposts on the road to your destiny.
Highway signs guide you to where you want to go. In the same way, your deepest dreams and desires can help you discover the specific call God has on your life.
Typically, God doesn’t guide us with a show-stopping vision, a profound dream in the middle of the night or a prophetic word from someone. The main way He communicates with us is internally, within our spirits, as it teaches in Romans 8:16. When you have a deep desire or dream in your heart that you just can’t shake, it may be that God is trying to lead you somewhere.
This kind of dream isn’t one you have while you’re asleep. It can be a picture you have for the future of the kind of marriage, home or business that you want. It might be something specific—a goal you keep being drawn to reach in your career, a passionate desire for a certain cause or an impression about how you want to get involved in your local church.
Pay attention to these deeper desires and dreams because they hint at where God wants to take you next.
If these dreams and desires are from God, they will never disagree with the principles in His Word. They may not be obviously spiritual, but you can bet that they’ll somehow fit into God’s greater plan to see the world come to know Him through Jesus. Take a step toward that dream today, and see where it takes you!