The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humbles themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23:11–12 (NLT)
God has given you dreams and desires in life, but you need to realize something very important. The pinnacle of success, when it comes to God’s call on your life, is not necessarily to be “number one.”
We tend to look up to people who rise to the top all on their own, and we admire movie heroes who save the day Lone Ranger-style. We think that success is getting the credit, rising to the top spot, being number one, being the best, and doing it alone.
As a result, we’ve created a culture where we don’t feel we’re fulfilling our dreams unless we’re at the top. Instead of working cooperatively, we compete with others. We think that being part of a team isn’t where it’s at. Instead we think we need to strike out on our own to really be successful.
The problem with this kind of thinking is it doesn’t reflect God’s heart. Jesus taught us that the greatest among us are the servants of all. In other words, the pinnacle of success is to serve others with the gifts and dreams God has placed within you.
Accolades are great, but I’m challenging you to be more servant-minded and team-focused. You can impact people and change lives with the gifts God has given you. If you can’t see how your gifts could help others right away, take some time with it because every one of us has the potential to better the lives of others in some way.
How can you serve others with your gift? And can you multiply your impact by using that gift within a team?