Understanding His Sacrifice Changes You Forever!

Leon FontaineDevoted

By this we know [and have come to understand the depth and essence of His precious] love: that He [willingly] laid down His life for us [because He loved us.] 1 John 3:16 (AMP)

A pastor in South Korea once shared a story of a single mom with a baby who set out to escape from a horrible regime. As she crossed the border, she was caught in a snowstorm.

The following morning, they found her naked and frozen to death. She had removed all her clothes and wrapped them around the baby. Then, tucking the baby in close to her stomach, she curled into the fetal position, and gave up the last of her warmth to keep her baby alive.

Imagine being that child, finding out as you grew older how your mom sacrificed her life for your freedom. When you find out a secret like that about yourself, it changes you forever.

Like that mom, Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross because of love.

We often talk about how He died for the world, but His sacrifice was deeply personal and individual. He died to give you real life. He died to give you peace in the midst of your anxiety. He died so you could know how special, worthy and precious you are. He died so you could fulfill every God-given dream in your heart.

He died so you wouldn’t have to live in sickness, anger or defeat. He died so that you could know true freedom and truth. He died so that you could know deep, abiding love and enjoy a close, personal relationship with the very One who created you.

As you discover Jesus and begin to understand what He really sacrificed for you, you’ll fall in love with Him….and it’ll change you forever!