Stop The Attack

Leon FontaineDevoted

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 (NLT)

You can stop attacks that come against you.

Matthew 8:28–34 tells the story of what happened one day when Jesus came face to face with two crazed, demon-possessed men. In the distance, a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons knew they didn’t stand a chance against Jesus, so they begged him, If you cast us out, send us into that herd of pigs. (v. 31, NLT).

The minute Jesus spoke the word, the demons left, causing the entire herd of pigs to stampede into a lake and drown.

You see, the enemy has to obey Jesus. Jesus has authority over all things in Heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18)…but here’s the best part. Jesus gave YOU the authority over all the power of the enemy too (Luke 10:19, NLT)!

If you think an attack might be coming against you, you would be completely within your authority to say, “I command this attack to stop in Jesus’ name.” If sickness is pushing against you or if problems rise up against your business or career, you can command that attack to stop in the name of Jesus, and say, “Father, thank you for Your favour!”

Today’s verse also says that if you resist the devil, he has no choice but to run. If you feel like you may be under attack, pray this prayer today: “Thank you, Father, that if we submit ourselves to You and resist the devil, he will flee. I stand on this promise right now. Any attack that is coming against me is finished in Jesus’s name!