God Is Win-Win

Leon FontaineDevoted

And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Colossians 1:26–27 (NLT)

Want to bring more glory to God? Today’s verse has the key: Christ in you.

Glory is a word that’s often misunderstood. To keep it simple, think of it this way. If something makes God look good, it brings Him glory.

For example, when you experience God’s promises and blessings, you show the world how awesome He is. When you give Him the credit, it brings Him glory. So, experiencing God’s promises is one way to bring Him glory. Isn’t that great? God works in a win-win kind of way!

If you want to bring glory to God, then understand the mystery. The mystery is Christ in you! This speaks of your authority in Christ—of who you are in Him. In Him, you have access to every promise. In Him, you are entitled to every blessing.

Now, if you’re struggling with a health issue, a financial problem or trouble in a relationship, you might be thinking, I don’t feel so blessed. Don’t let your current circumstances stop you from claiming God’s promises. Just keep claiming the promise and using wisdom to do what you can. Believe and you will experience it, and that will bring God glory!

For example, fight for your health by eating right, exercising and seeking the advice of experts. At the same time, claim Matthew 8:17: He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (NKJV). Say something like this:

“Jesus Christ took our sicknesses and diseases. Therefore, disease is not mine. Healing is mine. Sickness and disease are totally unacceptable in my life. Thank you, Father that health is mine!”