Your Belief Can Make All The Difference!

Leon FontaineDevoted

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” Mark 2:5 (NKJV)

Heaven is filled with people who are there because someone took the time to believe for them.

Mark chapter 2 shares a really interesting story about the power of faith and its ability to impact others. Four friends were determined to get their paralytic friend to Jesus, who was preaching to a packed household.

They couldn’t get him in, so instead they hauled him up onto the roof. Just imagine the level of strength needed to lift someone who’s unable to assist you onto a rooftop. It just shows how determined these friends were! They then proceeded to dig a hole through the roof and lower their paralyzed friend down into the room with Jesus.

What was the result? Their friend received full healing. But if you read the text, you’ll notice whose faith Jesus mentions—not the man on the stretcher, but his friends’ faith! Our faith with our actions carry an incredible ability to impact people’s lives, including where they spend eternity.

Accepting Jesus as your Saviour is a personal decision, but when we as believers step out and show our faith to others—whether in word or in deed—it can open the door to someone’s heart, giving them the opportunity to make that decision. All it may require is to share an encouraging word at a critical time, or even inviting a friend out to church for the first time.

Like the paralytic’s friends, the greatest gift you can give your loved ones is to bring them to Jesus. Hold firmly to what you’re believing for others, and pray for them!