A Servant’s Life For Me

Leon FontaineDevoted

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)

Do you wish you had more purpose and meaning in your life?

It’s so easy to get caught up in living a closed, self-focused life. But if we choose instead to serve others using our God-given gifts, it changes our lives as well as those around us. It brings a soul-satisfying purpose to what we do and leads us into the zone of significant living.

Maybe you have great ideas for how to teach kids about Jesus, but decide you’re too busy to help out in Sunday school. Or you’d love to sing in the choir but feel like you don’t have the nerve to try out. Imagine if you just went for it. How different would you feel?

You see, serving not only brings us rewards in Heaven, but it’s also where the greatest joy on earth is found! (See 1 Timothy 6:18–19.)

Success is rewarding too, but alone it feels empty. Our hearts crave the true, ongoing joy and satisfaction found in serving others. So, don’t let fear or excuses cause you to keep all your ideas and abilities bottled up inside of you. Instead, pour your life into something other than yourself. Lend a helping hand to a neighbour, make soup for a sick friend, or join that service team. You’ll discover a well of joy that feeds not only your soul but others as well.

Let’s serve as Jesus did. If you’re a parent or grandparent, involve the kids and show them how a life of serving is the road to joy!