It’s Not How Much You Believe, But What You Believe

Leon FontaineDevoted

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith. 1 John 5:4 (NKJV)

My whole life, I’ve heard about the value of faith. I knew that miracles were God’s will, but that I had to believe to experience them. I would read Scriptures like today’s verse, and I would be challenged to have more faith. Yet, I found that results in my life would be sporadic. Sometimes I experienced miracles, but then there would be dry times too.

If we’re not careful, the concept of believing can get us into trouble. We start to think, “I’ve got to believe more. I need more faith.” But this perspective falls back into works. Pretty soon, you’re right back where you started before you gave your life to Christ, trying to be good enough for God to do something for you.

As I began to study God’s Word and understand faith, I realized that it’s not how much I believe, but what I believe that matters.

You see, as believers, all of us have been given the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). So it’s not that you don’t have enough faith. But what do you believe about finances? Relationships? Yourself?

Let’s turn to God’s Word to determine what we believe, because everything God has promised us in His Word is ours in Christ. Those promises have been “stamped with the Yes of Jesus” for us as believers. We need to get our hearts into agreement with His will, adding our “Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together” (2 Corinthians 1:20, MSG). Confessing His promises over your life is what will bring you victory!