Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your creator and become like him. Colossians 3:10 (NLT)
God is more concerned with the internal workings of your heart than the external workings of your habits or skills. He is focused on who you are becoming.
You see, when you become something, it takes little effort to exhibit those habits. As an example, being loyal to your friends is easy when you’re loyal person. You don’t have to strive for it because it’s who you are.
But how do you become a loyal person? Striving and working at changing every single bad habit you have is an uphill battle that you will never win. There’s a much better way. And the first step involves realizing that Jesus already made you what you are hoping you can be.
When you give your life to Jesus, you became a new person. You don’t have to strive to be that new person. You already are brand-new in Christ. Yes, you do have habits and thought processes to change, but as you get to know Jesus, you find out who you are. You also are empowered to begin to act more like Him.
As you fall more in love with Him every day, you notice that your habits begin to change. That’s because it is almost impossible to be disloyal when you’re actively and passionately following Jesus, aiming to know Him more intimately every day. Spending time with Him naturally makes you become more like Him.
Instead of focusing on every problem you have, get to know Jesus. As you do, you will begin to act more like the new person He has already made you to be.