For you are the fountain of life, and the light by which we see. Psalms 36:9 (NLT)
The joy of the Lord is not elusive. It isn’t something we need to wrestle with or fight to hold captive. Actually, it is always with you! Sometimes, all we need to learn is how to get it bubbling out of us again.
A friend of ours told us how he was digging a well when he ended up hitting a natural spring, resulting in an artesian well. He didn’t need a pump; the fresh water readily bubbled up out of the ground on its own, so they capped it and now enjoy a source of clean, clear water. As he gave me a tour of the operation, it reminded me of the joy we have in Jesus. It’s like that artesian well. It can’t wait to bubble out and all over your life, even in the midst of unhappy circumstances.
I remember when my Dad went to be with Jesus. Preparing for the funeral was the worst day of my life; yet, as we gathered as a family and started reminiscing about his uniqueness and shared incredible memories, there was laughter. In the midst of incredible pain, remembering him still brought joy and laughter.
See, in the midst of whatever is going on in your life, God is always real and always there. Even on your toughest days, His joy is still there for you.
It’s not hiding or flitting away, and you don’t need to dig to find it; it’s waiting within you. As you study His Word and spend time with Him, His joy grows in you. Then, even when facing problems, you’ll be empowered to rise up and live life to the fullest…’til it overflows!