Use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 (NLT)
I’m going to share a little secret to life: the more wrapped up you are in your own affairs; the more happiness will seem to elude you.
That’s why altruism—the unselfish concern for others’ happiness and welfare above your own—is a key to happiness. It’s a life that stops worrying about me, me, me: How happy am I? Is anyone looking after me? Who’s there for me?
You know, something happens to us when we get hurt a few times in life: we begin to protect ourselves. Now, it IS important to take care of yourself, but it’s not healthy to think, I’m JUST going to take care of number one. Don’t make that mistake. Self-focus is a quick trip to unhappiness, but joy grows when we do things for others while expecting nothing in return.
I remember when I turned twelve, I got my first job. That Christmas, I saved up my own money and decided to buy gifts for my little brothers for the first time. I remember this warm feeling welling up in me as I watched them open the gifts I’d picked and their surprise and thanks as they did. That feeling never leaves you for as long as you live.
There is something powerful about blessing others that cultivates incredible joy in your life. Jesus calls it a servant’s heart–doing something for others with no payback in mind. (See Philippians 2:3-5, Galatians 5:13-14, Mark 10:43-45.)
When you serve others–not for a wage, recognition or to get ahead–something happens on the inside of you.
Serve others first and you’ll discover continual, heart-fulfilling joy!