Focus On The End Result

Leon FontaineDevoted

Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people, Joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil.
Psalm 97:11 (MSG)

We all have beliefs that hide below the level of our conscious awareness. These beliefs direct our lives. One could be limiting your financial success; another might be damaging your relationships or your peace of mind. Each belief is accompanied by a corresponding picture.
If you believe that you will never get ahead financially, for example, your picture of the future will be of yourself living at the same standard of living. You won’t be able to imagine going away on holidays or sending your kids to university. You will have a debt-filled, poverty-minded picture stuck in your heart.
Your heart can also hold positive beliefs. As it says in Psalm 97:11, you can have light-filled, joy-filled pictures in your heart. At your core, you can develop a picture of a joyful, prosperous, healthy you.


This level of belief does not take place in your mind—it happens in your heart, which is quite different. The mind is where you organize and analyze. It tries to determine the steps towards getting one of God’s promises fulfilled in your life.
Your heart, however, doesn’t focus on the ‘how.’ It only needs to picture ‘what.’ It focuses on the end result.

As you picture God’s promises coming into your life, don’t be concerned about how it will happen. Simply focus on what your life will look like. God will lead you and show you what actions to take. As you meditate on his promises daily, the picture will become so clear that it will eventually start to feel more real to you than the reality of your current situation.